1421 Wine Party at FUBAR – The Original Speakeasy


1421 Wines had another successful Wine Party on January 23rd at FUBAR – The Original Speakeasy, located at Worker's Stadium in Beijing.  Billed as "Welcome Back Zheng He" the 1421 Wine Party was a resounding success.  Because Admiral Zheng He's famous voyages of discovery took place during the reign of Emperor Zhu Di during the Ming Dynasty, 1421 Wines provided costume styles from the Ming Dynasty period.  Staff members enjoyed wearing the Ming period dress and allowed the guests to try them on for Photo Opportunities while enjoying the famous FUBAR Hot Dogs with 1421 Silver Chardonnay & Cabernet Sauvignon.  Rocking to the music played by DJ BB Deng, the guests had a great time.  CHEERS to Admiral Zheng He for taking the greatness of Ming China to the world!